A review by aligroen
Whiskers of a Chance by Tempeste O'Riley


Rating: 3 stars out of 5

I liked listening to this story. Keith has kept many things about himself hidden for years and hopes that moving his sister and himself across the city will give him the opportunity to live his life as he has always wanted. Jason has been hurt so many times in the past and lives his life pretty much alone except for his best friend.

This story is told from both character’s points of view, which give us the ability to see both characters thoughts and emotions. Jason has a hard time accepting that anyone would love him at all let alone unconditionally, but Keith is willing to do anything to prove it to him. Keith has to learn to work with others, werewolves and vampires, towards a common goal for a better life. I enjoyed the interactions of these two as they worked through their differences to build a life together.

Craig Beck did a nice job narrating this story. The use of different voices for the characters helped me to keep track of the story. He did a good job of portraying the characters emotions in his reading; however, I had trouble with a few of the voices he used for the characters made them sound like dumb jocks, but that didn’t match the words and thoughts of those characters.

Cover art by Catt Ford is very nice and matches the characters in the story.