A review by mercyblue
Incarnate by Jodi Meadows


Star rating: 3.5 stars

As the first Newsoul born in 5,000 years, Ana has always felt like a complete outcast. Raised on the fringes of society by a horrendous mother, Ana has only ever known cruelty and derision. Millions of souls have been reborn generation after generation, why is she new? What is so special about her? Or was she just a huge mistake? Ana only knows one thing: She must travel from the only home shes ever known to the capital of Heart to try and make sense of her existence.

This novel constantly tore me in opposing directions with each chapter. The meat of this story is just so fascinating. What would society be like if our souls were reincarnated after we died? Not just reincarnated but capable of remembering our past lives vividly. Would the same mistakes be made over and over still... Or would society become more peaceful? Aside from the infatuating story line, this novel had more then it's fair share of flaws. First off the main character could be endlessly frustrating. I understand she had a traumatizing childhood but her childish behavior constantly rubbed me the wrong way. Her relationship with Sam was one of the best parts of this novel. Their easy camaraderie and burgeoning love made the book a more entertaining read. Another problem I had with this novel was it's laborious plot line that culminated in an ending that left me utterly flummoxed (and not in a good way). I do think I'll read the next in this series, I just don't know when.