A review by lauriereadsrom1
As We Are by Claudia Burgoa


"As We Are" by Claudia Burgoa told the story of Mills Aldridge, a professional hockey player and single father to toddler son Arden, and Hadley Heywood, who had just returned to her hometown of Baker's Creek after living in Denver for several years. Mills loved being a dad but felt like something was missing in his life, especially since he had been forced to give up hockey because the stipulations of his father's will wouldn't allow him to leave Baker's Creek for at least 18 months. Hadley wasn't exactly happy to be back in Baker's Creek herself, but after a scandalous breakup in Denver that led to her losing her job, she didn't have much choice but to return home. On top of that, her father had just been in a serious car accident, and her mother, who had been hiding their financial struggles from Hadley, was in danger of losing her beloved bakery. The last thing Hadley was looking for was a new relationship, but she couldn't help being drawn to Mills and his son from the moment they met. Mills felt the same, and even though he knew their relationship was a bad idea, he couldn't help wanting to help Hadley and her family no matter the consequences.

I really liked Hadley, Mills, and Arden together. They slipped into family life so naturally that it was like they had always been together. However, I was a little disappointed with the aspects of the plot related to William and the inheritance. There were a few new scraps of information revealed, but for the most part, this book kind of felt like filler. I'm really looking forward to finally getting some answers in the next (and final) book of the series.

Overall, while "As We Are" wasn't my favorite book of the series, I still enjoyed and would recommend it for fans of contemporary romance and romantic comedy. I can't wait to find out how the series wraps up later this year with the final brother, Vance's, book.

*Review copy provided by the author via Valentine PR. All opinions expressed are my own.