A review by fiction_aficionado
What Dreams May Come by Alana Terry


Those who are familiar with Alana Terry’s Kennedy Stern suspense series will find this new contemporary romance series sets a different pace. In fact, this first book is a bit different to most other contemporary romances too, because the hero and heroine don’t meet until the end of the book! And yet, as odd as that might sound . . . it works. As well as being a sweet romance, it’s the story of two people who are struggling to (a) understand why the path they believed God had for them has suddenly been blocked; and (b) accept this new direction in spite of their hearts.

The book actually begins in the middle of Scott and Susannah’s story. At the opening, it has been four months since the event that set Susannah’s life on a new course—away from Scott and her dream of overseas missions—and the story looks both forwards and backwards from this point, showing Scott and Susannah trying to move on and surrender their hopes and dreams to God, but also filling in the story of how their relationship grew without them ever having met face to face and what happened to change everything. I thought this was a strange way to tell the story at first, but as it progressed, I became convinced it was also the most effective way to tell the story.

The plot develops at a gentle pace that suits the characters and the tone of the story. There were a few times I felt the story was moving a little too gently in the early stages, but in way, that added to the experience. I was restless—wanting things to move on, wanting answers—in exactly the same way as Scott and Susannah, and their disappointment and confusion was palpable. I couldn’t help but want to know the rest of their story.

I’m not going to say anything else about the plot, because I think it needs to unfold in its own way, but if you’re looking for a sweet contemporary romance that’s a little outside the normal mould, this is for you.

I received a copy of this novel from the author. This has not influenced the content of my review, which is my honest and unbiased opinion.