A review by poppywarphan
A Thousand Ships by Natalie Haynes

Did not finish book. Stopped at 11%.
★★☆☆☆    I gave up 

This is probably the first book I've ever dnf'd after barley 40 pages. I have to return it to the library but I doubt I will ever borrow it again to finish. 

So I had extremely false expectations. What I was hoping for was a story, an adventure even, set in the time of the Trojan war about women. I was also excited when I saw goddesses mentioned in the description.

I'd describe it as a collection of short stories about various women and goddesses with themes of war, loss, grief etc. And by short I mean "somehow there were 5 stories in 40 pages" short, the shortest being only 2 pages. They ended before I could understand what exactly was going on so I couldn't connect to any of them. They also didn't really seem to be connected to each other in any way. 

This definitely wasn't the read for me. The writing was good I guess. Maybe my rating is too harsh but I was extremely disappointed and bored.

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