A review by angrywombat
Days of Blood and Fire by Katharine Kerr


I'm feeling slightly let down by Ms Kerr in this book - as it is really starting to feel quite different from the previous novels in the Deverry series.

What I've really loved about this series so far was the way that this felt like a very unique series - highlighting the pseudu-celtic culture of the Deverrians and the people and politics of that region. Magic has been very subdued and felt quite subdued. All that seemed to disappear in this book.

We're introduced to the dwarves of the land - which are done in a very standard fantasy trope way - accented, money obsessed, underground dwellers.

The second main plotline is about the weird guardians. In the last book their story seemed interesting, but in this book it just labors on and nothing really is added to the story. Ashandra is portrayed as a crazy boogyman, and the other Guardians are just simple minded 2 dimensional characters.

The third plotline of Dar and Carra (elf "prince" and his new human wife) seemed vaguely interesting, but just putted along with Carra's dilike of being put in her place - a story which seems very similar to one we had with Jill and a few other female characters. We are also introduced to the Horsekin (+gel da thae) who are portrayed as bloodthirsty monsters, or through the character of Meer as an annoying "know it all" bard who just constantly spouts off rules...

The only redeeming feature was finally getting to meet this dragon - who is portrayed as a very sly and clever character.

I'll read the last book in the series, but I really hope the series improves!