A review by mos411
Winter Counts by David Heska Wanbli Weiden


Winter Counts by David Heska Wanbli Weiden tells the story of Virgil Wounded Horse, a vigilante on the Rosebud Native American reservation in South Dakota. Virgil looks after his nephew, Nathan, after his sister passed away at a young age. When Nathan gets involved in the rise of heroin on the reservation, Virgil makes it his mission to uncover the truth of who is pushing drugs to his tribe and to stop it once and for all. ⁣

Winter Counts was an entertaining read. The suspense was well built throughout as Virgil investigates what’s happening on the reservation. I also really enjoyed reading about Virgil’s journey to acceptance of his heritage and his tribe’s beliefs. ⁣

This is a debut novel, and I think it shows at times where the dialogue could be a little cheesy and with a few awkward transitions. I’m excited to see how the author grows in his future books!