A review by saltycorpse
Don't You Cry by Mary Kubica


Is anyone else sick of books being compared to Gone Girl to enhance their marketing? What this comparison has been whittled down to in the world of novel-marketing is "cray cray sociopath girl who's kinda smart or whatever." Quit trying to be the next Flynn novel and do something at least a little bit original.

This novel was almost entirely a cliche, and in need of a stronger editor. For example, when describing at length the cold weather in Chicago, and the coats people are wearing, Kubica finishes the description with:

"It doesn't take a genius to see that it's cold out."

Terrible writing. The 'twist' was eye-roll worthy, with the buildup to it being half-formed. There were a lot of plot points that were never answered (why was Esther wearing one blue contact all the time? For a year at least?).

The pathetic 'romance' sub-plot with co-worker Ben was also chronicles of ridic - everything in this book was half-assed. If Kubica (or an editor) would have just committed to a few things and saw them through, the book would be much stronger.

Skip this one.