A review by kidisitor
Plan B by Jana Aston


Oh Daisy! This character i something else! You'll love her. This is a Jana Aston book, so there is plenty of humor, as you might expect if you are familiar with her books. Lots of laugh out loud moments. This is book two of a series, but can be read as a stand alone, though there may be some spoilers if you have not, yet plan on reading book one, Sure Thing. Daisy is the sister of Violet, the Heroine of book one. Daisy is the 'problem child' between the two girls and has a bit of a promiscuous past, and because of that, finds herself pregnant after a one night stand. On her quest to inform the baby daddy, she gets herself into a bit of a pickle. After he proposes a marriage of convenience, things start to change as it starts to feel real and real emotions become an issue. Daisy is an extrovert and very peppy. She's sort of a free spirit. Positive vibes flow from her. Kyle (AKA Baby Daddy) is a little more subdued and uptight in some ways. He's not as vocal as Daisy and just sits back and lets her run her mouth, taking it all in. He's confident not cocky. Smart and of course extremely wealthy, not that Daisy is after his money. This is just such a fun story and entertaining watching these two together. Of course there are a couple things that threaten their growing relationship. There is that awful break up that requires some grand gesture. All in all it is a feel good kind of read with some sexiness thrown in, and of course you'll be laughing through it all! :) It is a well crafted and well written story. Alternate POVs.

*I received an ARC of this book.