A review by tawnyad2004
Chasing Frost by Isabel Jolie

DNF 17%
I honestly couldn’t rate this one. Not because I hated it that much but bc I just couldn’t get into the book. Maybe it’s my mindset. IDK I’ve been on a streak of busts and that’s wearing on me. In all honesty I didn’t connect with either character. Sydney was not a likable character to me. Her ex boyfriend has been calling her every month and apparently they’ve been talking but she’s shocked he thinks they are still together. If you left on such bad terms why are you talking to him monthly? She’s got a stick up her ass and is constantly (in her words) bitchy to Chase. I mean she’s supposed to be buttering up to the guy and finding out if he’s the guilty party but she’s constantly judging him and he’s having to defend who he is. And I mean stupid things like what he wears, how often he goes to the gym. I just didn’t like her and Chase was just a schmoozing car salesman. No interest in continuing.