A review by reasonpassion
Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea by April Genevieve Tucholke


Given how the typical trend has been to have fantasy creatures come out into the modern world and in some capacity be accepted and mainstreamed, the experience of this world was refreshing. Magic exists and with it came the collapse of government as society freaked out and instituted a dictatorial regime to control the chaos, with all who are believed to be practicing placed on a Registry and relegated to second-class status. That there exists another movement goes without saying and it offers some interesting dialogue, along with the presence of a powerful organization operating counter to the new government making life interesting for those it finds useful. Enter the heroine and her ability to see dead people, quick on her feet, mature in her mind and still cares for people. No wilting damsel, no hard as nails warrior, just a well-rounded female character. The bumps of the narrative are easily forgiven for a world and central character well done.