A review by eljoseph24
My Sister's Bones by Nuala Ellwood


This was an odd one. It took a fair while to get going and can’t say it was the most enjoyable read but the way it wrapped up at the end was satisfying so overall we have 3 stars.

The characters are all flawed and none are particularly likeable which is why it’s not the most entertaining read. The main character Kate was very difficult to like. I found her to be highly irritating and she seemed to feel she was above everyone else (due to her experiences abroad compared to her families ‘normal’ lives)
The sister Sally had alcohol issues and again not the nicest perspective to read from though I imagine the portrayal to be fairly accurate.

The plot was not what I expected at all and it took a while for the pieces to come together. The ending was decent and at least it was definite and not open to interpretation.

Also i listened to this on audible and did not care for the narrator. Her attempts at male character voices were awful and she narrated with an air of desperation which although suited the character was really tiresome.