A review by sc104906
Splintering by Eireann Corrigan


Told in verse from alternating brother and sister perspectives, this story describes the fallout a family experiences after a random act of a violence. While the family had issues before the crime occurred, after they were forced to fight off a violent man with a knife, who broke in during dinner, the issues from before have rising to the surface. Paulie, the sister, has nightmares and begun smoking weed regularly to dull her mind. Jeremy feels worthless based on his inability to act as he was expected to during the altercation. As things begin getting worse and worse with the familial relationships, how long can the family continue?

I enjoyed Jeremy's perspective far more than Paulie. She wasn't likable and hard to connect to, but Jeremy was hard to remember. It appears that there were many layers to this family, I just wish the reader could explore it more. I think this is a well-done novel in verse, though, like with many others, I wish I had been given more information about characters.