A review by bozzi1
Bigfoot Beach by Kristopher Rufty

dark fast-paced


I want to love every book I read, but unfortunately it doesn’t always happen. There were a few moments of gory violence that I found entertaining with this one, but they were too few and far between to feel worth reading the rest. Everything was sexualized, but very adolescent-sometimes that can work as wacky humor, but it never got there for me. I couldn’t connect to the characters and while I can often suspend reality when I’m reading fiction, nothing that they did made any kind of sense to me so it was hard not to roll my eyes. I also wasn’t a fan of how the mental health issues were addressed and there was a scene with a homophobic character that I found pointless and unnecessary. I think if the story had been cut down, a couple of the characters has been more likable, and the focus stayed on Bigfoot and the havoc he brought to the beach I would’ve been able to enjoy it much more.