A review by jakobmarleymommy
A Twisted Ladder by Rhodi Hawk


This book was absolutely horrible. I'm not sure what the worst part was; the terrible character development, the sloppy flip-flopping between the 1920's and the current time, or the absolutely ridiculous plotline.

The sex scenes in this book were just down-right gross. They added absolutely nothing to the plot, and went on far longer than was necessary.

The fact that Madeline's friends accepted so easily that she was being "mind-controlled" and had the ability to do the same was beyond stupid. They barely questioned her at all.

I realize that this was Rhodi Hawk's first book, and it read like one. Frequent descriptions of things that did nothing to further the plot or set the scene, awkward dialouge and plotlines that didn't blend together made this a difficult book to get through. I kept waiting for it to get better, and it only got worse.