A review by surabhidiwan
The Minds of Billy Milligan by Daniel Keyes


I had mixed thoughts about picking this book around the holiday season because of the serious nature and content of the book. But once I started to read it, I wanted to know more and more about how Milligan dealt with being a multiple personality, on a daily basis.

The book is grasping, and interesting. There were points when I was gasping with awe and disbelief, there are some unbelievable moments in the book that will send chills down the reader's spine. There were times when I went to sleep after reading the book, I would just keep thinking about him. The book is very well written to the extent that the personalities would not feel like alter egos but real people who did wrong things to Billy Milligan. That might hurt the reader, or make one more interested. But one thing is for sure, I highly recommend this book!