A review by ambere3977
Electric Idol, by Katee Robert


First off, this is not a retelling. You can’t just slap some names on some characters and call it a retelling if there isn’t any kind of semblance of the original stories. In order to write a truly good retelling, you need to understand the original story and frankly, I’m not sure K. Roberts actually does.


Now, onto the bulk of the ‘story’. Truly, I have never been more bored (or angry) while reading nothing. If there was a plot, I couldn’t find it. The majority of the ‘plot’ takes place over roughly 6 days. It goes from Eros threatening to murder Psyche, to them getting married, spending a whole day having sex, spending a day pretending to be all lovey dovey, Psyche almost getting murdered, then the very anticlimactic ending. Somehow, they end up falling in love in 6 days. Why? They only banter and have sex. There’s absolutely nothing to convey that they have genuine feelings for each other, we’re just told that they do. Apart from being very repetitive in how the Psyche/Eros finds the other ‘hot’, it’s incredibly boring to read.
Also, what are the rules of this world? They aren’t gods and don’t have magic, yet it still exists in some form. I also couldn’t help but notice how obsessed K. Roberts is when it comes to describing characters physical features, skin tones and ethnicities. Speaking of ethnicities, how are you going to have 4 poc, then describe one of them as being sneaky and a thief? Eros was also constantly talking about how full or curvy Psyche is, which began to feel a bit uncomfortable.
Now, onto more trivial things. K. Roberts had a bad habit of telling and not showing for most of the book. We are told how Eros is a monster, how good And smart Psyche is, but we’re never actually shown any instances of this. If the chapters weren’t titled on who’s pov it was supposed to be, I honestly wouldn’t have known who we were following for most of the book. We’re also never told how getting married was supposed to save Psyches life (spoiler: it doesn’t). K. Roberts also kept trying to plant smaller plots in the overall story, which doesn’t work if there’s no overall plot to begin with.