A review by rross374
Churchill: Walking with Destiny, by Andrew Roberts


Churchill walking with Destiny is the complete words of Andrew Roberts. This tomb of knowledge could not have been written and published at an earlier time because of the release of private diaries of King George VI, Queen Elizabeth’s Father. King George VI died young at 56 from Lung Cancer in 1952. The Kings diaries and several of Churchill’s family diaries were released about 50 years after their deaths. The author spins the all-inclusive life of Winston Churchill by studying what would have materialized if Churchill had not been Prime Minister during WWII. Neville Chamberlain had been Prime Minister before Churchill and favored appeasement toward Adolf Hitler. This would have allowed Hitler to pick off each county one at a time. Churchill organized the allies in an effort to team up to save all the Western Civilization. The author weaves the tale of Churchill’s relationship with his Father Lord Randolph, Lord Randolph was a Statesman and member of Parliament. His father didn’t respect his son and didn’t think he would amount to much. Churchill still respected and loved his father. Since Lord Randolph died young at 45, he never was able to see the achievements of his son. Perhaps this connection had something to do with Churchill’s striving to be so successful in life. Churchill was always active he was Prime Minister from 1940 to 1945 and again from 1951 to 1955, he was a member of Parliament from 1900 to 1964 except for 2 years between 1922 and 1924. Churchill wrote 43 books in 72 volumes. He was a Statesman, Politician, Soldier, writer and winner of the Noble Prize for literature. His enthusiasm and optimism are what allowed us to survive World War II.