A review by fonril
Birthdays for the Dead by Stuart MacBride


This is quite a dark, psychological thriller. The sheer amount of aggression is intense but also compelling. Ash as a main character is extremely flawed, he's not been a great parent, has got himself entangled in debt with some very dodgy characters and is definitely rough around the edges. Lets just say he's not averse to kicking down doors or using his fists to get the answers he wants. Pairing him with psychologist Alice McDonald works well to balance his dark anger with her inexperience and clumsiness.

It took me a bit to get into the rhythm of the book but once I did, it held a great pace. It didn't tie every thing up neatly by the end, some things were left unanswered or for the reader to fill in the blanks. That also may be because it's part of a series and I've immediately moved onto the sequel to find out what happens next.