A review by jentidders
Invisible Differences by Julie Dachez


I've been looking forward to the English translation of this graphic novel for AGES and am so glad to finally read it. Invisible Stories tells the moving tale of Marguerite, a young woman whose undiagnosed Asperger Syndrome is causing huge struggles in her life including at work, with her partner, and in her daily activities. As a woman who also received a late-diagnosis of an Autism Spectrum Condition, I could hugely relate to her feelings of awkwardness, sensitivity and irritability, and her elation when she discovers a description of autism that fits her to a tee. Like Marguerite, after diagnosis I was able to adapt my world so that it works for me, changing my life for the better. This is a fantastic and validating book for anyone who has been through the experience of realising they are autistic, and also a great book to give friends and relatives of autistics to explain what it is and what it is like. I loved the illustrations which perfectly captured and conveyed what was happening in the story. I've already pre-ordered my own copy!