A review by brandidean
A Map of Days by Ransom Riggs


I ought to stop reading these. I thought it was just a trilogy, so when I saw #4 in the bookstore, I hadn’t thought through whether or not I wanted to keep reading. But I think the author is struggling to keep the concept going at this point. Also, I can never remember who is who. I am definitely not rereading the previous books for a refresher on this series. At least one of the previous books had a ... glossary of characters and their abilities. They all need one. Plus there were lots of typos. Like, words missing from sentences kind of typos. And the title “Map of Days”? I don’t remember it coming into play at all. Surely that’s just my failure of memory ... but it definitely wasn’t prominent enough to be a title. It was mentioned toward the very end, I think, as though I should know what it was. But I don’t remember it coming up before that.
I bought it at Barnes and Noble. It was billed as a special edition with deleted scenes, which I didn’t expect to like — that seems like a bad idea. Editors usually cut things out for a reason, right? But this turned out to be plot directions the writer had explored, but ultimately decided not to take. So it wasn’t so much deleted scenes as alternate ... not endings, but beginnings. And that I did like. In fact, one of them seemed like it might be more interesting than the plot the author did go with. Oh well.