A review by pagesplotsandpints
The Extinction Trials by A.G. Riddle


Read Completed 3/2/24 | 2.75 stars
I picked this one up because of a recommendation on a Facebook group and it sounded really promising. I was interested at first, but at a certain point, I just stopped caring. I kept waiting for things to get better and they just didn't. 

It wasn't a bad book. I can see how people would enjoy it and there were some surprises in the end that, if they had been done better, would have blown me away too, but they just weren't. 
The plot was... fine. 
The characters were... fine. 
The concept was... fine. 
Nothing was really unique or surprisingly well-done or really brought me into the story. There was just enough missing from quite literally everything that made it dull and underdeveloped, and by the last 25%, I was just ready to be done, sadly. There were too many things that were just too easy. Characters figuring out clues wildly quickly, things that were just handed to them, things they figured out with no logical explanation as to why they would think that and get it right. Eh. 

The ending had a really great concept and a nice surprise BUT it made absolutely zero logical sense. If it had been done well, it would have been amazing and mind-blowing. I also would have liked it earlier in the story so we could spend time with it. It just didn't make sense at all and felt silly at that point.