A review by ctorretta
Nimic nu se schimba pana cand tu nu te schimbi by Mike Robbins


I'm trying not to critique this too harshly. The book sets out what the synopsis says it is going to do. In it Mike Robbins talks about many different things always circling back to how we treat ourselves. Which was what brought me to the book in the first place. As a creative person I am my own worst critic so I thought I would give this a try and get some positive vibes going.

It was good. It was an easy read and Mike's point of view was well thought out and understandable. I loved some of his anecdotes and enjoyed reading the book. Now here is the but. BUT I wanted more. I came to a chapter that talked about meditation but he doesn't lead through the meditation, that was in the back of the book. Not really a huge deal, and easily addressed. All I had to do was swipe to my Kindle's table of contents and go to the meditation. But I like to read in the order that the author and publisher put the book into. It has to be for a reason, right?

So, I skipped the meditation. No biggie. Next was the fact that although there are life lessons in this, and some very good ones by the way, I have been studying about this stuff for nearly 10 years so I was hoping for something a little more in depth. But as I said above, the book does give what it says it is going to give. And it is very easy to read.

I think I would suggest for someone that hasn't read much about how to treat yourself to definitely pick this one up. There is a lot in this that you can take away and start doing straight after reading. If, however, you are like me you may just want to pick this up as a refresher. If you've read a lot about this subject you may not find much new it in although I did enjoy Mike's take on things!