A review by li3an1na4
On the Nose: A Lifelong Obsession with Yosemite's Most Iconic Climb, by Hans Florine, Jayme Moye


I received this ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Before reading this book, people should watch the documentary Valley Uprising. It gives a great history and background about climbing in Yosemite and the climbers of the Golden Era, Stone Masters, and Stone Cutters. This book probably encompasses the last part of that to present day.

I am not a fan of autobiographies/biographies of non "historical figures". However, this book did keep me interested. He managed to give a nice history of climbing's evolution as well as introducing the colorful people within the climbing world. It was all done without the grandiose quality of other books of similar subject.

I also enjoyed the selected climbs up The Nose and the details of certain pitches. I'm in no way a big wall climber or a trad climber, but this book made me want to go buy some pro and start training.

3.75/5 stars. Definitely for readers who have an interest in the subject area. I can't see it holding the attention of people otherwise.