A review by laurenjodi
The Boy by Tami Hoag


The Boy
4 Stars

Homicide detectives Nick Fourcade and Annie Broussard investigate the horrific attack on a young single mother and her small son, which left him dead and her struggling with severe injuries. As Nick and Annie question who would kill a child and leave a living witness, they must also contend with the disappearance of the boy's 12-year-old babysitter. Are the events connected and is someone targeting the children of Bayou Breaux?

Series note: As the events take place 6 years following the previous installment, it is possible to read this as a standalone. Nevertheless, readers interested in Nick and Annie's past should definitely read book #1.

Although the narrative is slow to start with the build-up of the details surrounding the crime and the introduction of the various characters and their motivations, the tension soon ratchets up and the climax and resolution are intense and exciting.

Once again, the setting is immersive and Hoag is skilled at drawing out the nuances of a small community with a diverse population as well as providing detailed descriptions for each and every character whether major or minor.

The updates on Nick and Annie's life are one of the highlights of the book. While it is clear that they love each other deeply, their conflicting personalities and the issues they must contend with in their daily lives provide a realistic portrayal of marriage being hard work.

The case itself is gripping with numerous twists and turns to keep the reader guessing. That said, there comes a time when the identity of the killer becomes glaringly obvious and all that remains is to follow along as the detectives reach the same conclusion.

In sum, an enjoyable sequel and I look forward to reading the next book, which comes out in June.