A review by cj_mo_2222
The Lighthouse by Fran Dorricott


A group of friends from university have a 10-year reunion on an Island in Scotland. Ora Island has a recently refurbished lighthouse as well as a large cottage and is the perfect place for a getaway. It’s been three years since the entire group of friends has gotten together and there are some tensions between members of the group. In addition, the island has an eerie feel right from the beginning. When some of their belongings start to go missing and other strange things occur, their fun, relaxing vacation becomes scary and maybe even dangerous.

This story is told from multiple points of view which is good to see some of the things that happen from more than one side. The group dynamics alone would have made for a tense vacation - a young woman, her ex-boyfriend and new girlfriend, a young man who is keeping secrets, and a married couple on their first trip without their daughter. Add in the creepy atmosphere of the island and you get tension from the very beginning and the sense that something is going to go wrong. One of the characters tells ghost stories at the beginning so some of the others wonder if a ghost is behind some of the things going on there.

The book has a big build-up and kept my interest throughout the story. However, the payoff wasn’t as big as I expected and was somewhat disappointing, so I would rate it 3.5 stars. Some things are left unanswered at the end that I would have liked to see resolved. However, the ambiguity regarding the island was a suitable ending. This is the first book I’ve read by this author, but I would be interested in reading others.

I received this ebook from NetGalley through the courtesy of Avon Books UK. An advance copy was provided to me at no cost, but my review is voluntary and unbiased.