A review by swamphag
David, Renewed by Diana Copland


I am always excited when I can give a book five stars because it means the book was so good that I’d read it over and over.

This book gave me the warm fuzzies and Jackson was such a great character because he was one of those strong, slightly scary types that are secretly a marshmallow inside, but super competent. David was great because he was going through a lot but was still really supportive of his mom and Jackson.

It was a slow burn romance, but it didn’t fizzle out or get boring. Instead Copland used the secondary characters to add depth to the book, but also to make their romance more complex and three-dimensional. The side characters in this book were really fleshed out, but they didn’t take focus away from David and Jackson. This is something I always love in any book because friendships are the most important thing for me, but I like when an author can balance that with a romance.

I was so happy that this book didn’t end up being really melodramatic despite the bad ex intervening in David’s life. Sure Trevor caused a lot of problems, but it was part of the plot and Copland used it to bring David and Jackson closer instead of having it cause drama between them. That was something I really appreciated about this book and wish other books would do instead of having someone flounce off in a rage causing drama just for the sake of it.

Even though Jackson was kind of a gruff, buff, no-nonsense kind of guy, and David was more effeminate (self-described!), artistic, and indoors-y, there was no conflict just because they had different interests/personalities. Copland used their differences as a way they could get to know each other and be supportive, without being too up in each other’s businesses. For example: Jackson goes and finds nice furniture for David because he knows he’s an interior designer, whereas David tries to help Jackson find construction work.

This book was something I really enjoyed reading because I loved getting to know all of the characters and was really able to root for David and Jackson to be together.

Originally posted over at JLR: https://justloveromance.wordpress.com/2016/09/21/david-renewed-diana-copland/