A review by maisieden
Delirium by Lauren Oliver


2.5/3 stars

I disliked Lena's Character and found her dull to read until the last third of the book.This is because until then she seemed to have no mind of her own - this probably is meant to be a writing technique to illustrate their society's mindset etc. However i found this an extremely dull narration. After the first two thirds, I loved delirium as it got a lot more interesting to read, Lena was less narrow minded and became a more interesting character - her personality was developed well. My favourite characters was Hana and Gracie. I loved the final third (but also hated the ending - for obvious reasons). It was enticing even though very upsetting at the end.
Even though most of the book was dull; I loved the last third of the book. This is similar to divergent - with the use of a test, oppression of wrong doings etc - but the writing styles are very different. I probably would recommend it as it may only be me finding Lena's character dull to read.