A review by fatimamahate
Love, Aubrey by Suzanne LaFleur


This book was one of my absolute favourites but weirdly I forgot about until it just randomly came into my head. It definitely is a book I recommend to people. I can't wait to re-read this book as re-reading allows me to notice the parts I might have missed before.

A day after finishing this book once again, reminded me of so much I forgot about this book, the smaller, lovable characters like Marcus and Mabel (Bridget's little sister.) One of the characters I did remember (albeit not her name) the counsellor (Amy) who always had a jar of M and M's. When I first read this book, I felt that she was a little bit annoying, butting her way into Aubrey's life and making her do *extra homework* (I was in Primary School when I first read this) and so I imagined her voice to be annoying as well. Whilst the physique of the counsellor and many other characters remained the same the second time round (even Mabel and Danny as it seemed as if I'd simply need reminding of them but I never remembered who Marcus was and what he looked like so I don't know if what I remember him as is the same as what I imagined he looked like now)- anyway back to the main point- the way Amy spoke in my head was different. She was calmer and to me sounded as if she wanted to be there for Aubrey (like a proper counsellor) rather than annoy her. I felt rather the same with Gram. When I first started reading the book back in 2010 I felt as if she was being there for her granddaughter (although deep down I kind of wanted to know what Aubrey would do had she carried on living on her own) just like a normal grandmother but when she got slightly angry, I felt I was on Aubrey's side and that she shouldn't have gotten angry also when she kept on telling Amy about what was going on in Aubrey's life. But now in 2017 (it still feels weird to say that) I felt that everything she did, she did with good reason and in the end, even she wasn't the annoying Grandmother I envisioned when I was younger.
To me it just shows how much I've grown over the years. How I view the world more realistically and in a more *adult* way. To me it shows that actually, despite me thinking I knew it all because I was at the top of primary school, I'd actually known very little. This book made me realise that maybe one day if or possibly when I re-read this book, I still barely knew anything and that in the future I will read it in some other way. Maybe I've learnt so much i read it in another voice. This book symbolises so much now because I learnt a lot from this book like when i was younger i learnt to try and be aware a little bit more, and now I've learnt how much I've grown over the years.

23/07/2023 -edits above