A review by kitvaria_sarene
Girl Runner by Carrie Snyder


I liked this one, but I didn't love it.

It felt a bit disjointed to me - not in the prose, but in the story itself. I like the old woman in a home for the elderly we start out with. I really enjoyed her thoughts, and she felt quite realistic to me, having 4 grandparents over the age of 90 myself, and seeing how young at heart they often are and how different their physical reality is.
So I was a bit sad when it started to switch between her as a little kid, and her as a young lady. And it switched back and forth and back and forth over and over. Usually I like those different time frames, but here it just didn't fully work for me.

I really liked the main character, so that is why I still enjoyed the book overall - though I would have liked even more focus on the running. Not necessarily on the olympics, but just on how much running is part of her life. Yes it's often said that she HAS to run, but I would have liked even more insight into that. (Might have been boring for non runners then though - maybe it was supposed to strike a balance between "normal fiction" and "running fiction")

The other characters stayed a bit blank for me sadly, so as much as I liked Aganetha I didn't really "feel" the other characters. Her mother was the only other one I mostly clicked with, the rest felt more like backdrop to me personally.

All in all a good read I don't regret spending time and money on, bt not a book I'd miss terribly if I had read something else instead.