A review by ncrabb
Moon Music by Faye Kellerman


Rom Poe is a Las Vegas detective who has been assigned the case of a dead showgirl. Her death looks eerily like other deaths from the city’s past, and Poe digs in to better understand how she died.

His former girlfriend is a tragic creature married to a womanizer on the police force. She is a slave to her many OCDs and much more.

This is just a creepy book with occasional bits of interesting information. Apparently in an effort to sell more books, and she needs all the help she can get with this one, the author takes her little perfunctory digs at members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. They are superfluous digs that best that add little or nothing to the story. But there are bits of information here about the Nevada Test Site and its history that made the book not a complete and utter loss.

But mostly, I didn’t like any of these characters enough to care whether they lived or died supernatural bizarre radiated deaths. Poe is a badly flawed individual whose story ultimately did nothing for me, and hapless Alison with her OCDs and her conviction of mankind’s ability to transform into birds or wolves was just laughably dismissible. Had I known that this would be so filled with native American supernatural junk, I wouldn’t have wasted my life and time with it. I’m fascinated by books about open-air nuclear testing, and even now, my family is reaping the deadly harvest of that time in our history. But this book with its supernatural animal transformation nonsense and its heroes so flawed that they left me uninterested in their welfare doesn’t do much for me.