A review by meldav4
Emily, Gone by Bette Lee Crosby


I love to read. I love curling up all cozy and warm with a book in hand, whether it be a traditional hard cover book or convenient ebook on my phone or tablet. I love the anticipation as I read the first few pages and become engrossed in a new story. I love when I finish a book for the first time and have to take a moment to gather my thoughts and emotions about what I just read, and know that this story will stay with me for a long time. That is what happened with Emily, Gone.

Emily, Gone is one of those books that you start reading and don’t want to stop. Bette Lee Crosby created such a heart-wrenching yet beautiful story with characters so brilliantly portrayed and words so artfully written. She wrote about topics that are so real, so intimate, and so painful, and then tied them together with her incredibly realistic characters in such a way that emotions were masterfully tugged at and played with. I was in tears quite a few times.

I felt such compassion for the characters, especially Rachel and even Vicki. I can’t imagine having to deal with the cruel circumstances they both had to face with their babies, and their actions accurately portray their sadness, longing, and pain. My heart ached for them. In turn, my heart swelled with happiness and love when reading about Rachel’s and Lara’s relationships and family lives. I don’t want to give anything away so I won’t go into other monumental moments or scenes, but just know that so much happens in this book that you don’t expect, yet it all comes together beautifully.