A review by msethna
Leave Me by Gayle Forman


I have been a huge fan of Gayle Forman since reading If I Stay/Where She Went. I love her writing and how she can suck me into a storyline within pages of opening the book. Her latest novel and her adult debut, Leave Me, did not disappoint. The book begins with Maribeth having a heart attack and not even realizing it. After having bypass surgery she is sent home to recover. At home with two children to care for, a mother who is of no help, and a husband who decides to work late every night, Maribeth struggles to get better. Instead of asking for help, she leaves home and does not return.

While I am not sure I could ever do this to my family, I could see exactly why Maribeth walked away. She needed to get herself healthy so that she could be there for her family. This story is about facing fears and learning how to stand on your own. It is about taking care of yourself so you can take care of those you love. It is about family, friendships, marriage, and love.

*I received an Advanced Reader Copy from Algonquin Books.*