A review by amy_inthecatacombs
Athena the Brain by Joan Holub, Suzanne Williams


Athena the Brain is the first book of the Goddess Girls series by Joan Holub and Suzanne Williams

I’ve always loved Greek mythology and have just gotten into reading middle grade level and children books. I was so excited to see this series combined both.

Athena lives with her best friend, Pallas, because she has never knew who her parents were. She goes to Triton Junior High…or at least had gone to Triton Junior High. One day, Athena gets a message from Zeus saying that he’s her father and that she must attend Mount Olympus Academy, where godboys and goddessgirls go, ASAP.

Athena is torn. She knows she’ll miss Pallas, but she’s excited to go to the Academy and to finally meet her dad. Athena is taken to the Academy by Hermes. She’s in awe of what she sees. She quickly realizes that even MOA has its mean girls. However, she’s quick to find friends in Artemis, Aphrodite, and Persephone. Athena has always been really smart. With classes like Beast-ology and Hero-ology, she’s concerned about keeping up. Will Athena be able to truly fit in? Will she have a run-in with the mean girls?

I loved this book. I liked that the author incorporated a lot of small details from mythology in the story such as Athena creating the olive and having the city Athens being named after her. I think young girls will love this series.