A review by piggy327
In Your Pucking Dreams by Sheridan Anne


I won’t lie, Jaxson was a little pissant in Not Your Pucking Girl. However, I knew he would be redeemable and boy was he ever.

Jax and Cassie had a love written in the stars since they were twelve years old. Naturally, nothing comes easy to the Kings of Denver. They have to work their asses off, they suffer tragedies yet being the kings they are they always come out on top.

Second chance romances usually aren’t my jam because it’s usually something ridiculous or childish that separated them in the first place. But add in hockey, hunky guys and humor that is unique to Sheridan Anne and I was hooked!

In Your Pucking Dreams was another feel good read that I didn’t want to end.

I loved that Miller and Dani along with Tank and Sophie made an appearance. Brianna was absolutely perfect and the best friend any girl could ask for. Cassie’s brothers are hilarious and I cannot wait to dive into their stories next.

I only had one little issue, when Cassie got the tattoo, she drank vodka before. Yea, yea she wasn’t wasted, it was just a little liquid courage then getting drunk afterwards. It was just a little tattoo, so it can be overlooked but generally that’s a big no no. First off a tattoo artist shouldn’t ink anyone under the influence and afterwards, alcohol thins your blood and would increase the bleeding. That’s just me being nit-picky and in no way whatsoever took away from my enjoyment of the book.

Bring on book 3 please!!!