A review by vaddia99
The Genesis of Misery by Neon Yang

Did not finish book. Stopped at 10%.
| I'm gonna be honest I DNF'd this exceptionally early into it (less than 100 pages in). My review is just going to reiterate what every other 1 star review says.

The prose was trying to hard to be flowery which left it just clunky and boring.

As well as the pronoun inclusions were weird. I have no issues with gender being a heavily focused topic and I think there are fantastic ways to do that (Such as how T. Kingfisher does it What Moves the Dead ). This however was not how it should be done. You should never have to omnisciently tell your readers a characters pronouns unless you think all of your readers are idiots. Just use the pronouns as pronouns and you'll be fine. For example: If a characters pronouns are they/them, Introducing them as "Character A, who uses them/they pronouns, and has [blank] colored hair" is stupid and redundant. You can simply say "Character A, their [blank] hair falling over their shoulders" and you would know their pronouns are they/them. If you're gonna write a queernorm book write it like its normal instead of holding the audiences hand like they've never seen a queer person before.