A review by trike
Faster Than Light Volume 1: First Steps by Brian Haberlin


Kind of torn between 3 and 4 stars here. I'm giving it the bump because it has potential.

This is not a perfect book by any means, but it's certainly the best sci-fi graphic novel I've encountered since Think Tank. The biggest issue is that the collection doesn't really resolve anything. Taken together, these first 5 issues are the equivalent of a pilot episode of a TV series that ends on a cliffhanger.

I like the structure of it, as we learn piecemeal why everything is happening the way it is. I also quite enjoyed the dialogue, which is often a stumbling block for these types of books for some reason. We do hit a few tropes of the genre pretty hard and there are a few cliches to be had, but they don't try to stab you in the eye the way other books employ them.

Maybe I'm really reacting to other books in this genre rather than the specific qualities of this one when held up against an ideal version of a Science Fiction graphic novel. Primarily these four stars are because this really shows promise.