A review by abigcoffeedragon
Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens Smuggler's Run: A Han Solo Adventure by Greg Rucka


This was fair to midland read for me.

With the advent of the NEW expanded universe and all Star Wars mythology being redone in lieu of the films, I thought that I would try to stay on top of the new EU with the novels and timeline, hence the reading of the newer short stories for leading into The Force Awakens.

That being said, having seen the film and reading this, they have nothing to do with one another. This comes off as fan fiction written to have some stories of Luke, Han and Liea prior to the new generation taking over in the Force Awakens. Being the chapter selected for Han Solo prior to the film, this was a major let down.

Han had none of the characteristics that make him Solo, other than I am only in it for the money attitude. And that alone does not keep this story afloat. Also, beyond Solo and Chewie, every character is a throw away. What is the point of doing these if nothing will even be relevant later on anyway.

I will read all three shorts for all three heroes, but this is not looking good for the new UE of Star Wars.