A review by leighbrarian
Vector Prime by R.A. Salvatore


Wrote a review of this for a class, so what the hell here it is...

Set 26 years ABY (After Battle of Yavin), Vector Prime sets a politically strained New Republic (and everyone else in the galaxy) against the extragalactic Yuuzhan Vong, a ruthless race hell bent on conquest and destruction. Luke has married Mara Jade and heads the new Jedi order, Han and Leia are married with 3 (Jedi) children of their own, and they are all tested to the limits against the relentless new enemy. The Yuuzhan Vong are excellent (horrific?) bad guys and Salvatore gives us well developed characters in difficult situations. Great start to a great (if harrowing) series.

Beyond the 100 words I was limited to for my assignment, I wish to add: if you are just starting the Star Wars Expanded Universe, don't start here! Too much backstory to be learned. Poke about in the first 20 years ABY, enjoy some BBY and Old Republic books to get historical background. Cruise around Wookieepedia - http://starwars.wikia.com/ - (you might want to stay away from synopses of novels though). Starting this series is starting a long saga of trials and tribulations for our good old tried and true Star Wars crew, best taken with a good appreciation for the overarching storyline of the Expanded Universe. Or just go for it, whatever, read what you want!