A review by booksuperpower
Captured by Neil Cross


Captured by Neil Cross is a 2015 Open Road Integrated Media publication. I was provided a copy of this book by the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

This dark, thought provoking psychological thriller is brought to us by Neil Cross, the author perhaps best known as the creator of “Luther”.

When Kenneth Drummond is informed he has brain cancer and only weeks to live, he begins to put his affairs in order. One thing that is very important to him, is setting things right between himself and those who have touched his life in one form or another. An old classmate who was very kind to him in school, is a woman he would like to reconnect with, just to thank her for her friendship. However, when he discovers she has vanished and perhaps there was foul play involved, his makes it his mission to find out what really happened to his friend and see that justice is served.

While brilliant on one hand, the story is strangely lacking on the other. This is certainly an interesting read. It is a sad commentary on Kenneth's life, is darkly humorous is some ways, and kept me wondering if Kenneth is really on the right track or if his health has caused him to go around the bend a little... or a lot.
I believe we were to assume there was some kind of dark karma at work here, but I was left feeling kind of puzzled by how things were wrapped up. The ending comes to a rather sudden stop, even though all our questions are answered. I felt like there should have been more than what was offered, leaving me with a feeling of dissatisfaction.

There are several twist and forks in the road along the way, so there was nothing at all predictable about the story, which is what kept me engaged in it. I was quite worried about Kenneth the entire time and felt like shouting at him to stop this madness and enjoy your time left. What are doing? What are thinking? Especially, as things continue to spiral more and more out of control.

To sum it all up, I think the book is worth checking out. It's a little offbeat and is a somber story, but I believe you can appreciate the effect the author was going for and appreciate the talent and imagination behind it. Overall this one is 3 stars