A review by alicegns
The Peculiar Life of a Lonely Postman by Denis Thériault


At one particular point in my life, I was watching every morning the postman doing his route on my street. I was living in a ground floor flat and working from a desk by the window from where I could see the middle aged, thin postman with his bright red Royal Mail jacket and his trusted bag delivering letters in rain and sun (mostly rain since it was Scotland).

I did this for months, and I was sometimes making up stories in my head about where he would go and what letters he would deliver. Reading "The Peculiar Life of a Lonely Postman" was surprisingly rewarding as it was a fictional materialization of my fascination with people who deliver mundane or life-changing news to others.

The writing is superb and I was hooked from the first page. Bilodo is masterfully constructed and the unpredictability of the plot is rather remarkable.