A review by elylibrarysec
Crave Me by Cecy Robson


Rating: 4.5 Stars

Erin “Wren” O’Brien is all about helping people. Evan Jonah is trying to rebuild the family business. The author created a great first meeting between these two characters. The scene even gets me to laughing. So if you don’t want to explain what you’re laughing about, just be mindful of who is around you. It certainly grabbed my attention and had me looking forward to seeing where our author was going to take the story.

It was at that point where I fell in love with Wren – I wanted her to be my friend. My only concern is my choice of sports teams and would that be a deal breaker. She also had a way of getting under Evan’s skin and he was left with no choice but to let her into his life. Wren is an excellent reason to go back and read the previous two books if you haven’t had the chance already. Evan is a very likable character but Wren’s character “spoke” to me. But I will say that I love how protective he is as the story progresses.

Now the author could have just created the story about Wren and Evan but she goes the extra mile for her readers. Since this is an O’Brien tale, you get some of her brothers making an appearance. Then Ms. Robson has created the ex from hell. He’s another reason that you may continue to read this book because you want to know what he has planned. This story has the right combination that will have you turning the page to know how everything turns out. The hardest part for me was trying to find the right place to stop when other parts of my life needed my attention. But it is a book that if you do have the chance would make a good marathon read.

There’s plenty of suspense and action right up until the very end. But expect to have a smile on your face when you get there. Evan knows just the right words to have that grin in place. This author certainly has me looking forward to the next O’Brien family adventure. I can also see myself reading this series in order when all is said and done.

. I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.