A review by jnunchucks
Heir to the Sky by Amanda Sun


I received an ARC of Heir to the Sun from the Goodreads First Reads giveaway.

It's taken me a while to write a review on this book because it was very hard to get into it, I tried to start this book on two separate occasion & couldn't but last night I finally decided to just power through it.

The thing that really drew me to this book was the cover and although it was a quick read, from reading the blurb on the back cover, I expected so much more from this book. I didn't really like the way it was written & I feel like there wasn't enough dialogue between the characters. I wish Sun had shown what was happening on Ashra after Kali had fallen, because Kali's time on earth was very boring. I also feel like this book was very surface level & it was hard to connect with the characters and their "struggles" since there wasn't much character development.

The monster fighting definitely fell flat for me & the only interesting part was finding out that Jonash was actually Benu, which is the race he and his father were trying to destroy the whole time.