A review by laurenjodi
The Curse of Tenth Grave by Darynda Jones


The Curse of Tenth Grave
3.5 Stars

Charley Davidson, Grim Reaper extraordinaire, finds herself once again in the thick of things when she is asked to clear the name of a man wrongly accused of murdering her girlfriend. Her private life has also taken a turn for the worse as she and Reyes are both keeping secrets from one another.

Perhaps my tastes are changing, but this series is not as appealing to me as it used to be. Charley's snarky sarcasm isn't as witty or amusing, and her childish behavior is wearing thin. Moreover, the cases she investigates are glaringly obvious and the overarching storyline is becoming more confusing and less coherent with each installment.

On the romance front, Reyes is as dreamy as ever, but Charley really needs to learn to communicate with him better rather than jumping to conclusions. In addition, the sex in wowza hot, but I don't remember it being as graphic as this in the previous books.

Despite these issues, I am interested in finding out what eventually happens to Charley and the rest of the gang, so I will be reading to the end of the series.