A review by literaryhomeland
Hades by Alessa Thorn


So this took me a long time to read and I mean a long time to read. Eighteen days for 203 pages when I can usually read that in just over a couple of hours? This is the second time I’ve read Alessa Thorn’s work and I had a similar issue with loving the concept of the book and the storyline but just struggling to grasp a connection to it.

Either way, I have a few things to say about the book, a couple of them which may be reasons that whilst make the book a lower ranking for me, may be something that others are able to look past and love, so, first, I’m going to start with the positives:

• Even though Hades is the third book of the series, it can easily be read as a standalone. There wasn’t anything in the plot that I was confused about because I started at book three, everything was explained well which is great if you want to just dive straight into Hades and Persephone’s story.

• I loved the dynamic between Hades and Persephone; it was great how they’d met before and there was the tension and angst behind a reunion six years in the making that the two of them were pining for. The alignment of their powers was incredible to read and I love how they complimented each other in that manner. It really allowed Persephone to grow into her own person and develop a confidence that was beautiful to see, and I love it when Persephone has an element to darkness to her as well as the light and nurturing side within her, so Thorn done an excellent job with that.

• It was great to see Persephone having some female friends! Usually in adaptations when Persephone is in the Underworld, Persephone only really has the chance to befriend males I’ve found, from the exception of one adaptation I’ve read, so it was great to see her having positive female interactions in her life rather than one sole negative one with Demeter, and in some cases with Minthe due to jealousy.

And this, unfortunately, brings me to the negatives:

• Like I said, Ariadne and Medusa’s growing friendship with Persephone was great. However, the presence of Ariadne and Asterion in the book was what made me feel uncomfortable and it was mentioned in the first chapter to help with a recap to readers. As someone who has intensively studied Ariadne for my dissertation, in my mind Ariadne and Asterion are firmly siblings. Every adaptation is different and I can understand and respect that, but I personally cannot separate them from what I am used to, and for me, it is them two as siblings and Ariadne having a very strong sisterly love towards Asterion and enduring severe distress at the loss of him becoming known as the Minotaur. Ariadne’s personality, in general, is incredibly different to what I know her so it just didn’t work for me. I do feel as if y’know, you’re not as closely familiar with the myth as I am or you’re able to separate from it then it’s a dynamic that you may be able to thoroughly enjoy. I just personally couldn’t and it was a struggle whenever they were mentioned, which was frequently.

• Although the plot was good, and, as I said before, there is a great concept I just felt as if there was nothing there that seized me and made me fall in love with it. The execution just felt a little underwhelming for something that could have been fantastic.

Like I mentioned, I don’t think that my points are specifically negatives that mean the book isn’t for everyone. I think it’s because of my personal reading experience and the kind of depth I need to fully entice me in a book. If the positive points I mentioned are things that you’re looking for in a read, I would recommend giving it a go! It was just a little disappointing for me.