A review by shammons
Lean on Me: A Clean and Wholesome Romance by Pat Simmons


I was on my library's Overdrive/Libby site, looking for a book, when I noticed that the nationwide reading program was ongoing. This used to be called the Big Library Read or something like that, but now is referred to as "Together We Read". It's a free download and you can read along with other digital readers across the US. I had always wanted to participate, but never read a book blurb that really interested me. This one did, and even though I was fairly into the reading period (Feb 19-Mar 4), I took a leap of faith and downloaded this book to my Kindle. Not only is the author new to me, but I was so pleasantly surprised that this sweet book contained a lot of elements of faith. Going to church, leading to a spiritual walk with the Lord for the hero and heroine, Scripture being cited, all contributed to the story. Tabitha is one of three sisters (this is the first of 3 in a series) who becomes a care giver for 6 months for her great-aunt Tweet. She and her sisters have lost their parents but have always been close to this aunt who never married and had children. Sadly, Aunt Tweet is suffering from Alzheimers and dementia, and Tabitha had no idea what being a caregiver entailed, in spite of being a pharmaceutical rep. She changes jobs, changes her life and takes in her aunt and assumes care for her, along with taking her to an adult type day care so she can work. Early on, Aunt Tweet wanders from their house onto a neighbors porch. Marcus is not amused to find the elderly lady in a big floppy red hat, constantly appearing on his porch. The story goes from there and has a lot of faith, as well as other redeeming factors. I thoroughly and surprisingly really enjoyed this one! So glad that the "Together We Read" would contain such an uplifting book with faith-based elements, such a joy to find :)