A review by jgilge
Untamed by S. C. Stephens


**Copy provided by author via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.**

So after reading the rest of this series, I never thought that I could like Griffin. I mean, I didn't hate him in the other books, but he was crass and annoying. Yet in this book, I was actually rooting for him by the end.

At least for me, a lot of this book was just painful to read. It felt awkward and I was embarrassed for Griffin and it made me cringe. I mean, just he just did so much stupid shit and the way he acted was pathetic.

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This one had a much different vibe to it than Kellan and Kiera's books. Which was nice, there wasn't so much angst and stupid drama.

I'm also ridiculously happy that this ended on a happy note, it was pretty cute. It's worth the read if you already like the series, but if you aren't super invested, don't bother.

Check out the full review at Bookaholic Raves