A review by savorflavor
Barsk: The Elephants' Graveyard by Lawrence M. Schoen


Barsk is very strange and very different, but it is also one of the most engrossing and enjoyable science fiction books I have read in a long time. And, it's so profoundly unique and charming, while also dealing with rather dark and serious subject matters at times, not shying away from death or violence, but also not relying heavily on death or violence to move the narrative forward and keep the pace steady. Instead it relies on thoughtful, intelligent, 'psychic' characters, who are Elephants that have hands and walk upright and act like human beings. They have formed their own society and culture on their world of Barsk isolated from the rest of the galaxy, the rest of the galaxy consisting of other anthropomorphic mammals who are essentially all terribly racist toward the Elephants. It's just a very pleasant and thought provoking read, and so unique and different and fun. I very much enjoyed getting lost in the world and culture of Barsk. Would certainly read again at a later date.