A review by sara_evaney
Die unsterbliche Braut by Aimée Carter


This book could have been good, the story was interesting enough: Hera awakens the Titan Cronus who then tries to destroy the earth.
The problem was that we had to read it from Kate's point of view and Kate only cares about Kate and Henry. And of course she was too new and weak to actually fight, so in the few action filled parts of the story we got to see the very interesting part of Kate sitting at home crying because Henry didn't love her.
But at that point she had already told us eleven billion times that she doesn't think Henry loves her, but that she would never cheat on him anyway, because the bad, bad Persephone did that! You know, if it takes your husband nine months to kiss you after you MARRIED him, maybe you should just leave him!
I know he (and everybody else) says that he loves Kate and he just can't show it, but that isn't believable at all. There is also no reason for Kate to really love him.
I liked Persephone, but I'm not sure if I can take another book of Kate whining because she's jealous of everyone, so I don't know yet if I'll continue the series. I want to find out where the story is gonna go, especially with the cliff hanger ending (which I guessed fifty pages earlier, at least part of it ^^), but can I take more Kate and Henry?