A review by yukirarin
The Enigma of Room 622 by Joël Dicker


I think this book mostly just left me a little disappointed but overall it was still a pretty decent read. 

The thing about the plot of this book, I thought I was getting a fun detective Hercule Poirot-esque story. Instead, it took over half the book for the murder to even take place. I was also left with a bunch of characters each more unlikeable than the next. I didn’t even like Anastasia, who I think was supposed to be the most likeable out of all of them in a woman pining after her long lost lover kind of way but she was just kind of whiny and fragile throughout the whole book which kind of made me lose any sympathy for her. I just can’t feel sympathetic for someone who cheated and married mostly for the money. 

I think this plot might have worked a lot better as a serialised tv drama. But in a book it felt way too long and convoluted, especially with all the time skips. It’s in fact a bit annoying to try and figure out every time where I am in the timeline. But I did like the overall premise, and the idea itself had a lot of potential that I just felt wasn’t brought out well enough.